The shocking story of 93-year-old Gladys Riley being targeted by Fagin-like burglars who used a four-year-old to distract her has appalled the nation this week.

+CavendishPressAgency spoke to Gladys about the traumatic event, which she said had 'shattered her world' and left her 'praying for God to take her away'.

Police launched an urgent appeal to find the culprits, and our story in the Daily Express, Daily Mail and Daily Mirror helped to publicise the hunt.

This even led to 'Good Samaritans' starting a Go Fund Me page which has so far raised more than £1,000 to support her whilst she recovers from the devastating ordeal. 


Gladys was happy to share her story in the hope that the incident would be a warning to others as well as catch those responsible.

Have you ever been duped by cold callers? Or do you have a heart-warming tale of caring neighbours and community spirit? We'd love to hear from you.
Give us a call on 0161 237 1066 or email [email protected]

Here is the link to the Go Fund Me page: